Wednesday, January 14, 2009

KFC & Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Mall

Joel had a long day visiting factories today. The kids and I went to Yu Kids Island for a play date. We had lunch first at KFC which is a block down the street from the Mitsukoshi. Ethan was a total mess at lunch but he was stoked with his corn on a stick.

Who would have thought corn on a stick could be so serious...

Evie was stoked at the KFC play place. The windows behind her look out to a main road. I would often see her sitting on the little bench under the window just looking out.

After lunch we went to Yu Kids Island. The kids had such a fun time. When we first arrived they were the only ones there. They were pretty excited to just run around.

The first thing Ethan did was head straight for the balloons

For those of you who have seen the new Tinker Bell movie...Evie is pretending to be Silvermist, a water fairy. She is pretending to gather up dewdrops to cary down the slide.

She kept her hands cupped and was so happy to get to the bottom of the slide with out dropping her dewdrop. Below is a picture of Evie in front of the Mitsukoshi as we were waiting for our taxi.

Here is a little video of Ethan escaping from the balloon room. He learned he can go in and out of the you guessed it, we went in and out of the doorway a hundred times. Their is a lip in the doorway and he didn't always clear it as you can see in the video.

1 comment:

  1. Nice corn pictures! Now we know he's got Nebraskan blood in him! :)

    Can you please bring the Yu Kids Island home with you?
