It was a beautiful evening and the sun was just right for taking pictures. Joyce had a great idea to take pictures of the kids in the flowers behind their house. The fields are just bursting with wildflowers this time of year.

Little Miss Evie

I'm not sure what this is called but it was growing on a vine that was attacking all the trees and bushes around it. I thought it looked interesting though.

Grandma Joyce and Evie walking in the beautiful valley behind the Smith house. Unfortunately, new housing developments are starting to arrive

The kids were not cooperative when we were trying to take pictures. Evie
didn't want to walk through the flowers but we didn't realize they were
poky until we bent down for pictures. We both had pants on...oops. Joyce was trying to get Evie to smile by telling Evie that she was going to make the same face she made

Evie and Joyce making a sad face

The pictures were a great idea Joyce. Maybe we'll have better luck with the kids next time.

And our beautiful sunset on our way home
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