Alexander and Grandpa Malcolm entertained Ethan and Evie with a motorcycle ramp while we finished packing the van - turns out we have a lot of bags...

Bye bye uncle Alexander

Evie was being silly as usual. Bye bye Ashley and Joyce.

We had to rearrange our bags because some of them were overweight. We had to transfer stuff from the overweight to underweight bags to avoid a $150 per bag charge. Ouch.
Every time we opened a bag Evie would pull out a toy. Here she found

Like I said, we have a lot of bags...

Joel and Ethan catching up on some much needed rest

Evie is a good little traveler. She
enjoys looking out the window - we are flying over the snow covered mountains in Colorado. She asked if we could play there tomorrow.

It was beautiful. It looked like there was a lot of snow too.

Just chilling - the flight seemed short but I guess anything domestic would compared to flying from Taiwan.

We had a long 3 hour layover in Denver. The time went by okay. I am always happy to have a little more time rather than being stressed the whole flight wondering if I'm going to make my connection only to run through the airport and miss my flight. Especially now with kids it seems like we just need so much extra time.

And yes, there is Ethan eating a marker....

Ethan (and Evie) love to make messes. Ethan loves to study each marker and crayon. I think he is only moments away from eating this one.

Evie was excited to see Grandma and Grandpa Potter in Lincoln. They met us at the airport with our truck and helped us load all our bags. When we told Evie that Grandma and Grandpa Potter were picking us up she asked if her Uncle Jeremy would be there too. He wasn't but it was cute that she thought of him.

My mom and dad surprised us with a fridge and counter full of groceries. It's always hard arriving home late and then having to go grocery shopping first thing. Turns out Ethan was up early so it was especially nice to have breakfast for him right away. Thanks again mom and dad.

When we got home I put Ethan in his bed straight away. By the time I came back downstairs Evie had gone into her room and dressed up as Tinkerbell and then went back downstairs and pulled out her basket of books. She looked so tired but was excited to be home. She said "this is my home...I like my home".

We were surprised when we pulled up in the driveway to a welcome home sign on the front door from the Clark family and one inside that my sister-in-law Aubrey nicely hung for us in our entryway. My mom had all the
grandkids decorate it for us. It was so sweet - one of those things that makes you feel good to be home.
Thanks to everyone who made our welcome home so special!
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