Well the blog title is our first day home but I'm getting around to posting this almost a week later. Ethan was up bright and early ready to explore. He found dad's typewriter and loved punching the keys. Funny, it was always one of Evie's favorite things to do too.

Okay, maybe the picture isn't so
pleasant but Evie was so excited to wake up to hot out of the oven cinnamon rolls. She packed her cheeks like a
chipmunk, not wasting a bite. Thanks again Grandma and
Grandpa Potter for the grocery shopping treat.

It was an amazing morning - clear blue sky, crisp fresh morning air and it's supposed to get up to 70 degrees today...we can't believe it either.

Evie was right back in to making goodies in her sandbox. She makes the yummiest sand cupcakes topped with
pea gravel.

Don't be bashful, go ahead and try it....
Evie is just a bit raggle-taggle. She fell out of the bed at the hotel in Dana Point and got carpet burn on her chin. I know it seems like our kids are always beat up....well, okay, maybe they are.

Ethan has fun bringing me plates of sand too. Usually he dumps them down himself while he walks and I get an empty plate

Mandy and Claudia surprised us with a short visit.

Evie got to swing super high in Ethan's swing. She was trying to reach Mandy with her toes.

This was the surprise on our front door when we pulled in the night before. The Clark family made a welcome home poster and somehow found time to hang it just after having a new baby only a week earlier.

Evie is busy baking and Ethan is trying to figure out how he can get in there too...

Evie, putting on the sprinkles - the best part

After naps Joel filled the pool with warm water and let the kids splash around. Hard to believe that it's warm enough outside to play in the water. Evie got to wear her new Small Paul swimsuit we found her in California.

Ethan loved soaking himself and us and Evie and everything around him.

We met the Tabor girls at
Chilis for dinner. Joel picked
Chilis because it was such a treat for us to eat there when we were in Taiwan and we were curious how it compared. We have only eaten there maybe 2 or 3 times living in the US but when we were craving a burger and fries we splurged and went to
Chilis. Splurged because the food was almost double what it costs in the US. Surprisingly the food was better in Taiwan. Maybe it was because we didn't eat much western food.

Evie and
Delphina making silly faces

Ethan and his silly little face
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