We met my sister Jessica today in
Lakeforest to see her new place and have lunch with her before heading to Long Beach for the weekend for Drew's wedding. Evie watched part of Horton Hears a Who in the van on the way there. She found this flower in front of Jessica's place and was holding it carefully as to not harm her speck.

Jessica's new place; #31.

roommate Denise has a cat and the kids, especially Evie, found the toys quite amusing. I think she enjoyed pestering Ethan mostly. Ethan mostly enjoyed pushing every button on the TV remote.

Jessica and Evie; Two
playful kitty-cats
Jessica's place is very homey. Evie found another cat toy - Denise had quite the collection to choose from
Baja Fresh! It's Joel and my favorite Mexican restaurant. We don't have one in Lincoln and we totally crave it. That and Sushi. Anyway, we try to eat there
every time we are in

My favorite is either a chicken burrito or chicken quesadilla but it's Friday so I tried the fish tacos...they were great of course.

Evie has quite the imagination and always amazes me with her creative play. She is kneeling by a rotted/hollowed out
railroad tie and is playing with leaves wrapped around a stick. She is pretending the stick is
Ariel, the little mermaid and the leaf is her dress and the hole is the ocean...

Ethan doesn't know what Evie is up to but he saw her digging around in the hole so he has to go get his little hands in there too.

Little Ethan with his hands full of leaves, just like Evie.

We made it to our hotel; The Holiday Inn at Dana Point. Joel has the wedding
rehearsal and dinner tonight

I thought it was cute that Ethan is just barely taller than the bed.

After Ethan's nap we walked to the beach which was only a block away. It was a nice afternoon. The breeze was cool but the sun was warm.

From our hotel window I could see just a little bit of a park and I thought we could go there first before the beach. We totally went 'around the bucket to get the dipper', walking around the block and up a hill and then up these stairs and then basically back around to where we started before arriving at the park. Only after standing at the park I saw where we needed to go. Our way to the beach was much faster than our trek to the park.

I will be so surprised if Evie isn't a drama major. She is so expressive and everything she does everyday is drama, drama, drama...from playing to brushing her hair and putting on her shoes. She is pretending to be a princess who fell in the water and can't get out. I am of course going to rescue her.

I love her goofy side too

Ethan is busy exploring

He is starting to go down the stairs by himself. He is holding on but still makes sure I'm close.

The beach was a fun place to explore. The water was too cold to get wet but we had fun walking on the rocks and wading in the
tide pools.

Poor Ethan. He isn't feeling the best. He was trapped in the backpack so I could make sure he wasn't going to soak himself.

Something scared the birds when we were playing on rocks and they all scattered - it scared Evie so bad. She was climbing my leg for me to hold her.

Once the birds settled down she played in the water and then we walked out to the edge of the rocks to get a closer look at the birds.

We ate dinner at
McDonalds which was conveniently close to our hotel

It was starting to get cold outside so we didn't play long - the kids had a good time though.

Ethan is such a big eater. More often than not he eats more than Evie. He is finishing her hamburger.

This little girl was so sweet and playful with Evie. She and her friend played tag with her until we were all frozen and had to head back to the hotel and warm up.

Say '
cheeeeese burger'. That's our hotel in the background - I told you it was conveniently close.

The kids had fun warming up and playing in the tub. It was a long day - they were so dirty.

Evie had fun playing with the
shower cap. She filled it water and pretended that her fish was in there, like we saw at the street markets in Taiwan.
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