Another beautiful day in Riverside, CA. The kids and I enjoyed playing outside - Evie wanted to being a
ballerina princess today.

She is carefully selecting the right flowers for her

And with a skip in her step we're off to climb a special tree Grandma Joyce told us about.

This tree has a lot of low branches which is perfect for Evie , I mean, ballerina princess to climb on

Ethan does the best he can to chase after and keep up with Evie

Evie is pretending she is climbing up the stairs

Ethan is making a
bouquet too - anything his big sister does...

Joyce took us to see the Riverside Live Steamers at Hunter Park.
History: Back in the 1950's, Joe Hunter, a well known Riverside industrialist, realized that steam locomotives were disappearing from the railroads that passed through Riverside. Knowing that future generations would not know the excitement of seeing, hearing and smelling the sounds of steam locomotives, he had a vision. Setting aside 40 acres that surrounded his industrial complex, Mr. Hunter had a 4,300 foot miniature railroad built. A group of enthusiasts in Riverside have taken care of the railroad for the past 41 years. Approximately 18,000-20,000 passengers ride the trains each year.

All aboard...

Grandma and Evie are waiting to see the train coming down the track

Once a month rides are free but we didn't make it in time to ride the train. The kids enjoyed running around the park and watching and listening to the train as it went around the track - picking up and dropping off passengers.

Watching the last train leave the station. Thanks Joyce, it was a great idea.

When I got home from my ride later that afternoon Joel was giving Ethan a ride in the yard
wizard. He seemed pretty happy.

Grandpa is making a special seat so Ethan can ride his new big wheel. It's also for Evie so she can reach the pedals.

Ethan, happy to be sitting in a box of foam...

Evie is helping Aunt Ashley make nan
bread for dinner. Ashley and Joyce are amazing cooks. The meal we had tonight would put the Oven (a popular Indian restaurant in Lincoln) to shame.

Evie is having fun rolling out the dough

Thank goodness Aunt Ashley is there to give Evie some pointers in the kitchen. I would love to know my way around the kitchen as well as Joyce and Ashley do.

Ashley - perfecting the nan bread

Joyce - serving one of the amazing curry dishes
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