Heidi told us about this class at
WinFly Dance Center that her son Toby goes to. The first class is free and as it worked out we are leaving town on Saturday so we would only be able to do one class. Evie was excited to wear her ballerina dress. She was also very excited in class...maybe too excited. It took her a few minutes to calm down once the class started. She wanted to watch herself dance in front of the big mirror instead of listening to the teacher. She had a great time though.

Evie and Heidi are skipping and running - some new Taiwanese ballet moves.

Ethan is playing peek-a-boo with Dan, Heidi's dad.

Evie is supposed to be walking down the mat and pointing her toes with every step. All the kids either ran or skipped.

Evie now has both
instructors showing her how to point her toes and walk down the mat.

Okay, so I didn't know that Evie couldn't roll in a straight line

Or roll at all...she is still trying to make it down the mat

At the end of class the teacher had the students take a little rest before dancing to what she called the 'milk song'. After the song she passed out candy to the kids.

Evie is showing Dylan her L
And of course Ethan has to get his little fingers in there too.

Dylan was in the US last year attending the Sea Otter Classic bike festival in
Monterrey, California. After the event he drove with Clarke to Nebraska and stayed with us for a few days. He brought with him from Taiwan a Hello Kitty Doll for Evie. He told Evie that we would go to
Mitsukoshi tonight so she could pick a new outfit for her doll.

It was cute watching her look around the store. I wish I had it on video but I didn't think to grab my camera until she had picked out her outfit. She took her time looking around the store and then she went to the shoe wall and picked a pair of silver shoes with bows and then walked over to the end of the store to a wall with dresses and held the shoes up next to a dress then took the dress off the wall and held them up together and said I would like this please. Dylan then took her to the accessories wall and Evie picked out a little purse too. He certainly spoils her. I was surprised she
coordinated her outfit so well. The little dress has silver in it just like the shoes.

Kisses for Dylan

While Evie was shopping for her doll's new outfit Joel took Ethan to Yu Kids Island. Evie and I met them and played while we waited for Kate to meet us for dinner.

Evie loves giving gifts...

Oh what fun it is to be a kid...
Ethan was playful with Dylan. He was walking to one side of the baloon room and by the time Dylan got there he would walk back to where he just was.

Kate met us at Mistukoshi and then we were off to dinner but Ethan just couldn't make it. He was having a meltdown in the car so they dropped us off at the apartment so he could go to bed.
This is Evie, wanting to walk up the stairs. The elevator is next to the stairs but she most often prefers to take the stairs. She is good at recognizing our floor number to know what floor is ours.
Video of a motorcycle like Joel's - getting somewhere fast
Video of Evie doing the butterfly and some fancy toe pointing footwork
Video of the 'milk song' at the end of class
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