The staff was so friendly with the kids. This gal took Ethan outside to see the water fountain and talk to the bellmen.

There are so many places to hurt yourself while walking down the street, this was the first and only sign we saw posted to warn you of danger. The sidewalks are in such bad condition it's almost impossible to use a stroller and most often it was easier to walk in the street.

This sweet old man was just happy mixing concrete.
Erawan Temple

Thai dancers resting and primping before their next performance

Ariel even made it to Erawan temple. Here she is going up the steps to see Prince Eric.

Every time we took the
sky train Evie would measure herself, like she grew overnight. Oh wait, that does happen.

I thought this was cute...Evie is looking (waiting) for the ticket to dispense

This guy is collecting money from passengers on the water taxi. He walks back and forth on the boat on this little platform while the boat is in motion. I wish I could have taken a video of how fast and sketchy the boat feels in the water but they raise this blue and white stripped tarp to keep out the water spray...

This was a treat after lunch at
McDonalds for Evie to sit nicely in her stroller while mommy and daddy did some shopping on Khao San Street. She was a good girl. She even picked out a shirt for herself too. The blue one she has on below. It's a sparkly hello kitty shirt, of course.

Evie is giving this big boy tummy
taps. He was the same age as Evie but twice her size.

Ariel found a cave (hole in the chair) she could swim through...

Khao San Street

Ethan loves pushing around the
stroller, although, the other morning we came around the corner into the living room to find him standing up in it.

Taking the
sky train back to our hotel.
We got back to the hotel late for afternoon naps. Ethan fell asleep a few blocks before we got there. We put he and Evie in bed about 4:30pm and they both slept the rest of the night. We tried to wake the kids up around 7:00pm by packing our bags and being noisy but when they didn't budge we decided maybe it was better to let them sleep since we had a 4:30am pick up in the morning for the airport. Joel ran out and brought back dinner from a recommended Thai restaurant. Our dinner felt like a date...It was nice having a conversation and being able to enjoy our meal with out the interruption of children. I thought the kids would wake up as soon as we went to bed but surprisingly they slept until we left in the morning.
Video of Ethan (us) walking to breakfast
Video of Evie shaving with daddy
Video of us buying bootleg DVD's
Video of Belly Taps
Only the Smith Family would tap a random Asian kid on the street. Love it!