Ethan woke up in an especially fussy mood this morning. He didn't want up and he didn't want down...he just wanted to fuss at mom's legs. We decided to get out for an early morning walk to
McDonalds for breakfast. Joel met us there on his new motorcycle. Dylan loaned him his sporty helmet. Once we got outside Ethan was great and by the time we walked back from
McDonalds it was time for his morning nap.

Just as we arrived at
McDonalds Joel drove up. Evie was so happy to see daddy.

Pancakes with butter and syrup,
Sausage Egg
McMuffin, orange juice, coffee...and it tastes just like it does in the US.

Evie is playing
SHREK. She is pretending to be Fiona and this is her swamp.

Fiona was just set free from the tower.

No, this sweet boy can't be the same boy that was giving me such a hard time this morning.

Evie was pretty happy to catch a ride home with daddy - can you believe it's legal

I met Dodi and her friends for a play group at the Windsor Hotel's sandbox. Evie and her daughter Isabella play pretty well together. Dodi's friend Heidi (standing in the black pants) is sweet too and Evie and her son Toby get along nicely. I have been fortunate to get together with them a few times now.

Come near my sandbox and I will crush your bones.

Tucker was pretending to swim in the sand and then Ethan would copy him.

The crew of kids having a pow wow.

Evie is really into jumping from thing to thing, so this was one of her obvious favorites.

Evie is admiring Candy's daughter's necklace.

Just across from the muffler factory, the foreign conglomerate joins forces.

The teeter totter was a lot of fun for the kids.

Little Isabella. This is the friend that reminds us of Evie and Ethan's cousin Claudia.

Joel met us for lunch after the
play date. To simplify things we ate at
McDonalds, again, which was right around the corner. Evie has been working on her Taiwanese pose. In the US this means Peace, here it means Victory.

Joel finds a wayward French fry in Playland.

This is one of the few moments when Ethan is not trying to eat the window.

After naps, the kids and I took a walk to pick up Ethan's Birthday cake. Our apartment is one of the tall buildings you see on the left.

Poppy Patisserie. Their slogan: The sun has his simple robe of light. The clouds are decked with gorgeousness.) sic.

This is the gal who took our order the day before. Somehow we managed to place an order not speaking Chinese and her not speaking English. Just a lot of pointing and smiling.

Evie brought her little Belle doll to look at the beautifully decorated cakes.

After we picked up the cake, we went across the street to the park. Evie and I are playing the 'Three Billy Goats Gruff'', thanks to Dodi. She shared how she plays with Isabella and tells the story while Isabella crosses the bridge.

Evie is saying, "But don't eat me, I am much too small. Wait for my brother, he is much bigger than I"

She's right, he is much bigger but he is busy studying rocks...

And playing inmate...

Ethan's birthday cake, especially picked out by Evie.
Hurry up mom, what's taking so long...

And of course, he loved it...
Video - Happy Birthday to Ethan
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