Here's our
capt'n. We took a boat tour today of
Tup Island, Chicken Island and
Poda Island.

I'm not sure who this lady is...she was just along for the ride I guess.

When we got to
Tup Island the tide was high and only this small sliver of beach was exposed. In about 45 minutes the beach would be
completely under water. In the early morning you can walk on the beach all the way to the island you see. You can still see white under the water where the beach would be.

Here is Evie, happy to be on dry land. The water was so clear you could see fish all around you . Evie was nervous the fish were going to get her and didn't want to get in the water. If she only knew how lucky she is to have the chance to swim in such clear water...

Chicken Island

Heading to
Poda Island.

Just a few boats...

...and just a few more boats. For how many boats were on the island the beach was not as busy as we expected. We pretty much had this little corner to ourselves. Maybe people weren't seeking shade like we were either...

Joel and I have really missed being able to snorkel on this trip. It was such a treat to be able to feed the fish and watch them all around us so close to the beach.

Here is Evie
panicking that the fish are going to eat her. Joel is trying to catch one.

Can you believe how clear the water is.

Evie had more fun sharing her bread from lunch with this little boy than feeding the fish herself. She was happy as long as she didn't really have to get in the water.

Here is Ethan showing off his two front teeth.
Joel on the tree swing...

Joel climbed the tree and jumped into the water but I had trouble timing his jump right with the camera

Evie was totally scared of the water but was excited to try the swing and kept asking if she could climb the tree so she could jump too...

There were monkeys on this beach too but they were unfriendly. When we first arrived a group was gathered under a tree trying to get back their stolen belongings. On our way back to the boat one of the monkeys attacked a young boy from behind, trying to get his water bottle. The boy was okay but when we left he was still sitting under a tree being attended to. He had some pretty bad looking scratches and teeth marks on his forearm. The rest of our trip we avoided the monkeys completely.

Heading into
Railay Beach East. Both kids totally sacked.

I guess there was a sailboat race happening and this evening a local restaurant hosted a big party. The participants were called by name and walked through a procession as they entered the restaurant. We saw people setting up for the party all day, we just thought it was New Year celebrations. We didn't notice the sailboats arriving throughout the day. It just seemed like all of a sudden the bay was full of sailboats.
Video of Joel feeding the fish on Poda Island
Video of Ethan walking on the Beach
The kids look like they are having so much fun! I cna't believe how big Ethan is already!