This bridge was at the entrance to our bungalow. The kids loved watching the fish. Ethan tried everyday to take a swim with them. Evie would ask for a piece of bread to feed the 'fish' but always ate more than she fed them...

Leaving our bungalow and walking to Breakfast. It's a long walk if you have little legs.
Turns out when your kids are early risers you have first pick of a beach front table. There were always one or two little cats roaming around the table. I think the kids fed them pretty well.

Our complimentary breakfast...as you can see, we didn't starve.

After breakfast we played on the beach.

Every once in a while Evie would 'accidentally' dump sand on Ethan's head. Surprisingly Ethan didn't eat as much sand as I thought he would. Evie certainly did at his age.

Ethan just up from his morning nap. I love his little fresh face.

Joel took Evie to the pool while Ethan took his nap. We joined them when he woke up.

Ethan loved playing peek-a-boo with J
oel in the water

Joel and Ethan hanging out in the only shady spot at the pool.

Later that evening we walked from Railay Beach East to Phranang Cave Beach.

To our surprise when we got to the beach there were monkeys in one of the trees. They were pretty tame and quite entertaining. One was even sitting on a guy's shoulder.

Phranang Cave Beach.
Joel is smiling here but is not feeling well. Our walk home started the beginning of a brutal 24 hour battle of food poisoning.
We were able to watch the beautiful sunset before walking back to our bungalow.