field trip to the pumpkin patch was changed to Lost in Fun due to the cold and rainy day. Evie was just as happy to go to Lost in Fun and Ethan got to come along too.

hand prints on a heat sensor board...

Cute little Malcolm

This was Joel's hair color growing up - I'm thinking Ethan may be close to this

Miss Jackie and her daughter who is Ethan's age

Ethan on a Jeep ride, smiling with his whole face as usual

...so serious...

Evie's friends Faith and Nicole. Faith is Starla Ware's daughter; a family friend we grew up with who is now teaching at Evie's school.

Evie's teacher Miss Shannon is the adult jumping in the back - she is a good teacher; super mellow and sweet
Starla's little girl looks just like her at that age. Except, if I remember right, Starla had lighter hair.