We stopped by Mandy's to drop something off and got there a few minutes before she did so I let the kids out of the car to play with their neighbors' toys while we waited. Ethan jumped on this electric
Tinkerbell quad and was so stoked. Within seconds he figured out the power and steering. Like father - like son.

When Mandy and Claudia showed up Claudia jumped out of their car and right into this mustang and started driving it like a pro. She gave Evie a great ride! I was quite impressed. It was cute to see the girls having fun and laughing...a little flash forward to when they are 16...

Claudia was jumping the car off the parking blocks and making a sharp turn onto the sidewalk...she really drove it like a real car. I was telling Joel it reminded me of how he drives...

Two little
Chickies having a good time.
Claudi looks stoked, Evie looks a little afraid.