One of our favorite stops on our drive to Colorado is swimming in the Platte River in Brady. We all have a great time. Every year it looks different. Full, shallow and this year it was deep in spots and the current was so strong it was hard to walk across it. The grasses were torn apart in the center of the river from such strong rushing water at one point.

Ethan caught a baby frog just his size.

Evie caught a big one just her size too. She carried it around and called it '
hoppy', her friend.
Hoppy is just chilling on Evie's leg.

The kids were giving Joel a sand scrub.

And drying off before we get back in the car.

Our next stop is Fort Morgan. We usually stop for fuel, food, playing at the park and feeding the ducks.

The ducks are usually aggressive and are quick to eat all we bring.

We were also able to stop by my cousin Michelle's house which is on our way. She lives just outside Denver. Eli and Joel had fun playing
Evie and Maggie were instantly dressed up. They are too cute together.
Too cute! I love the sand scrub and am glad to see Evie and Maggie dressed up together again. Little girls are so funny.