It felt like a busy day but a fun one. We started our morning with the downtown farmers market.

Evie and Ethan each get a dollar to buy a treat. They always pick a bag of sugar cereal.

Joel's fancy photography as we head back to our car

After the farmers market we headed to Laurie and Kevin's to join their block in a 3rd of July parade. They have a lot of kids in their neighborhood. Most of whom go to school at St. Teresa's with the Clark kids. The couple hosting the parade have been doing so since their kids were kids.

After Ethan's nap we drove to Denton to buy fireworks. We stopped to pick mulberries along the way.

Ethan showing off his purple hands and face.

The kids surprisingly didn't get belly aches from eating loads of berries.

The kids were pretty excited about the fireworks. There was a firework stand on every corner and
Denton is a small town. They were cheap too.

The kids had fun picking out (and playing with) the fireworks.

I would catch Evie studying the boxes. Who ever comes up with the firework names has an interesting job.

After buying fireworks we stopped at the Post 355 Legionnaire club. One of two choices in town. Dinner wasn't bad and the service was great. A elderly guy sitting around a table drinking a beer with a few of his buddies got up and made our meal.

We discovered pickle cards. We won a $1.50 on our $3 - not bad.
Ethan, covered in mulberries had so much fun playing with his motorcycle fireworks while we waited for dinner. Evie picked out things like a hula dancer and a birthday cake that actually had candles and whistled happy birthday.
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