On Sunday we went to my folk's house for the usual Sunday family gathering. Evie and Ethan had a great time playing with their cousins. We also got to meet the newest member of the Potter family; baby Maria. It was fun to hold such a tiny baby.

I laugh at the difference of what it must have been like at grandma and grandpa's house when Gabriel was the first and only grandchild to Maria who is sound asleep with kids loud and busy all around her.

Morgan (giving her little sister a kiss) is a good and protective big sister.

Louis turned one last week and grandma and grandpa made cupcakes to celebrate his birthday. That was a fast year!

Evie and Ethan with their cousin Maddie. Ethan didn't want to take a break from his cupcake to look at the camera.

Cute little Louis. He has always been a happy baby full of smiles
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