The kids had fun with grandma Joyce walking around their amazing yard. Grandma Joyce showed the kids what Ashley
calls 'dancing diamonds'. The morning dew collects on the leaves and when the kids touched the leaves it really did look like dancing diamonds.

The fruit trees around the yard are just bursting with fruit. Besides picking flowers picking fruit is the kids favorite thing to do. This is a
Kumquat tree

Ethan is putting his back into picking this orange. We ate pounds of oranges. I went to the grocery store last night and couldn't believe oranges were almost 50 cents a piece. We try not to take that for granted when we are orange after orange day after day.

Joyce is so cool about Evie picking her flowers.
Every time I looked at Evie she had a new
We went to Grandma Ruthe's in the afternoon. She is so cool. Here she is helping Evie up on the roof of her garage. Evie saw the ladder and asked if she could climb it.

Joel and Evie on the garage roof.

There are a bunch of cut down trees and stumps near the house. The kids love playing on them and jumping from stump to stump. It was a fantastic day to be outside. The weather was perfect. Ruthe's house is on a fun piece of land with lots of hiking and exploring to do.

We had a visitor while we had lunch. She was brave and stayed surprisingly close to the house. Evie got excited watching her hunt and dig for a gopher.

Wow, we are lucky. All the grandmas are fantastic cooks. When we pulled up Evie ran inside and asked if she could have a cookie. She remembered from three months ago that Ruthe made cookies for her. Sure enough there were cookies just waiting for after lunch.

And daddy took advantage of Ethan needing a nap and tried to sleep off his food coma.

Ruthe has this wind-up flashlight. Ethan got such a kick out of watching grandma wind it up really fast and then shine the light on him

Evie had fun putting together her new Easter cottage

Joel and Ruthe

Ethan going for a ride. He is so heavy now it's quite the workout.

Some pictures just make me want to squeeze him...

And trying to take a picture with two squirmy kids...

With all the rain California has had recently the hills were so green. Usually they are brown (and on fire)
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