Joel had a meeting this morning so we tagged along to play at the park outside the Windsor Hotel. It's a pretty cool little play place especially for a hotel.

Oh my gosh, this is
soooo cool.

Evie making sand angels

Ethan is getting ready to work his
You'll have to check out the video at the end of this post. Maybe you had to be there but it still makes me laugh to think of his little legs looking like a midget.

Watch out Jane Fonda...

teeter tauter says it was made in
Missouri of all places

This grandpa was so cool
hanging out with his granddaughter. He had lots of energy and was encouraging her to try everything. He seemed happy to be spending time with her.
VIDEO: Ethan doing his exercises at the park
You sent a little video some time back with Ethan on the exerciser. He's so much bigger on it than before. I think last time Joel had to hold him to help him stretch. I am so ready to give all of you a big hug.