I couldn't help it, Ethan just looked so darling saying grace before breakfast. He makes me smile when he says the prayer also. It's a bunch of words followed by a loud '

We have enjoyed breakfast with this beautiful view all week.

After breakfast we rented kayaks. We
weren't sure how Ethan would do in the kayak but he did fantastic. He sat still and enjoyed looking around. He even used his stick to help paddle.

There were lots of fun places to explore. The kids' eyes were glued on the hundreds of huge crabs crawling on the rocks.

The rocks were so beautiful and the water was clear enough we could see lots of fish right from our boat.

In the afternoon we took a long walk on the other side of the island. It is quite different than the side we are staying on. It is quite
cliffy and the sea is rough and windy.

This restaurant is on bamboo stilts and it's
propped on the side of the damn

This look out tower is made of bamboo. It felt solid for the most part but every few steps the floor would give a little and I would second guess if the view was worth the risk. The open railing freaked me out with the kids also. We only stayed long enough to take a peak and then continued on our walk.

That's one happy, hot and sweaty family

Further on our walk we came to another look out. Ethan made himself at home piling rocks on this table that was just his size. The pile of rocks was as tall as the table so he could just reach over from his chair and grab a rock and put it on the table.

This lady was taking pictures in multiple locations with these pretty flowers. She kindly gave a few of them to Evie. Evie is nicely wearing her
Gatorade for the picture also.

From the top of the look out tower is a 360 degree view of the island. The sun sets on the side of the island that our hotel is on.

This is looking South East, the opposite direction of our hotel.

This is looking in the direction of our hotel, which is on the other side of the hill in the distance.

Heading down the look out tower.

We continued on our walk. The island is a total mix of old and new. Lots of new hotels and resorts but still a lot of small shops and homes using candlelight at night. A person that works at our hotel said he moved here about 10 years ago and there was no running water and no electricity but also no traffic and no congestion from tourist. The only transportation was the
motobikes and now there are many large cars and vans needed to transport vacationers.

These kids are sitting on the edge of the street peaking into a home with their door open and a TV on. I loose track of the number of times I count my blessings every day.
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