Thursday, January 7, 2010
Victoria Peak
We took a ferry across the bay to Central District to see Victoria Peak.

We followed crowds of people across a pedestrian bridge through lots of little shops. Every few minutes we heard 'DVD, DVD, 10 dollah - 'DVD, DVD, 10 dollah. We bought the movie Avatar for us and UP for the kids. The movie UP turned out to to be a DVD with 40 movies on it with everything from Ice Age, Monsters vs Aliens, Horton Hears a Who to TV cartoons like Handy Many and Tigger and Pooh. Our 10 dollah (which is only about a buck US) turned out to be a good bargain.
We took the tram to the top of Victoria Peak. The peak has a shopping mall and lots of restaurants. It was busy because of the holiday weekend. Evie and Ethan made some friends at Santa's sleigh.

This view is from one of the observations decks. It was an overcast day but I was happy to see some of the city. It is unusual to have a perfectly clear day but when we visited Victoria Peak with my folks a few years ago it was completely socked in. We couldn't see our hands in front of our faces from this view.
Evie found a butterfly. She learned at the zoo this summer how to be patient and let the butterfly crawl onto her finger and it worked. She was pretty proud of herself.
Ethan of course quickly found a stick and wanted to bash it
Princess New Year found this beautiful crown on our walk. It is New Years Day.
Holy shit-show. Can you imagine his headache at the end of the day?
At the end of our hike we passed a park just before our tram stop. Evie was so excited. She yelled "it's a park, can I go there?" She quickly made a buddy. He was so cute too. He always made sure Evie was right by him.
Ethan is our little superman
Evie was sad her little buddy had to go but it was a good time for us to leave too. We started walking away and I looked back and Evie was chilled out with this family looking at a toy flyer like what you get in the mail from ToysRUs. People are really just so nice to the kids here. This lady didn't mind that Evie just came over and sat on her knee. When I peaked at what Evie was looking at it was on the princess barbie page...of course she had to stop, her radar is always on when it comes to princess anything.
The tram peak tower where we'll catch our tram back down the hill
We got to the tram first thing this morning (thanks to our early risers) and there was no line to go up. When we got to the bottom we saw the line to go up was down the street around the corner. Someone said it was an hour long line.
The tram ride is a steep one
Hello. I'm flashing half of Ethan's chicken nugget
The streets are steep too. Joel has his Adidas breaks on while he poses
We walked through the SoHo district to find somewhere for lunch but everything looked way to high dollar... we walked a few blocks and found our standard street cart fare. Pictures don't do justice to show how steep the street is.
This guy is three feet away from us providing scraping paint music while we enjoy our fine dining

Evie is so cute. She just sits down on her stool that is sliding down the street and eats what is put down in front of her. I looked at this picture and it just made me smile. She is such a good little traveler for us. Ethan too, he is in the stroller taking his afternoon snooze.
We walked through a street market on our way to the metro - it's time to head back to Kowloon
Evie is sure curious at the markets but the most curious about the hanging meats and fish. She just loves to stop and look. This butcher was super cool and chatted it up with Evie as he cut away. 

Chicken legs anyone?
These are mangosteens. We had them f0r the first time when we were in Thailand last year and they are amazing. They have a super thick bitter skin but once you peel it away the fruit is a sweet surprise. I wish I could bring them home with me but I guess they are hard to grow in the US
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I always love the market pictures but please tell me the doggie wasn't for sell for food :(