I remember as a kid riding with my dad on his motorcycle, but I certainly did not think Evie and I would be there already. Honestly, I thought she was just too small, it was just too uncomfortable and she would not be able to hold on well enough. But, I took her for about a five minute ride around the ranch, and after she liked it, I fashioned a crossbar on my bike, outfitted with pint-sized grips and glued some padding into one of Alexander's old helmets.

She's already having a good time. Really, for a dad, could you ask for anything more?

The cross bar and the baby grips.

I don't know when I decided that we were not going to take another tour around the ranch. I started down the driveway, and asked if she wanted to keep going. She said yes, and we progressed mile by mile, me continually asking, and she continually telling me she wanted to keep going. We ended up going to the cabin up Mt. Princeton. Two things I will tell you about it: It's not easy to get up there, and it's a long way. People were absolutely stunned to see this blue-eye beauty bouncing around the rocks with her dad. I think it's a little over 12,500 feet here. We did stop for a bathroom break on the way up to ensure dad didn't get a wet lap.

Here she is playing in the sleeping area at the cabin.

She was really into hiking around, until she ran up the trail for about 30 seconds, and nearly keeled over she was breathing so hard. After that, she either moved really slow or she wanted me to hold her.

On top of the world, but we have Jesus watching over us, so all's well.

Well, the ride up was a little easier than the way down. About half way down the mountain, she fell asleep hard. The tricky part was stopping at the stop signs, and trying to use both the clutch, the throttle and the front brake while holding onto her with my other arm. Not easy. I pulled into the garage and luckily Carrie was there to grab her.

We pulled her goggles and helmet off and Carrie took her upstairs to bed. When she laid her down she said "momma, would you take my shoes off" and then she asked how she got home and if daddy was home too. Then she said "I'm not really so tired, I'm just hungry".
VIDEO: Joel and Evie leaving for their ride
OK...now we all know for sure...Evie is one cool chick!