It's always a treat to celebrate Easter at my Uncle Emil's farm. He has a few baby calves this spring. The kids enjoyed seeing them and feeding them. Ethan just arrived at the gate and got his first look at the cows. It was cute watching him peak through the gate and then look back at me with excitement.

And of course, he quickly climbed the gate to get a better look

My mom took my brother's kids to the other side of the c
oral to see the baby calves

Here's one of the baby calves. Cute little guy, it's a shame he'll be a hamburger or steak someday.

Ethan looked so tiny in this tractor wheel

He certainly had fun investigating

Noah is carrying corn to feed the cows shovel full by shovel full. It was heavy and the shovel was as big as he was but he made it from the silo to the cows with most of his load

Ethan was excited to try out the shovel too

Back for another load. Grandma had a great idea, use a bucket...

Grandma is showing Maddie and Noah that it might be easier to fill a bucket rather than using the shovel

This is my Uncle Emil - he is a great man;
ornery and full of love and kindness for everyone. This farm was the family farm before my grandparents passed away. The family always gathers here for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas (with lots of visits in between).

Grandma showed Maddie and Noah how to use teamwork to carry their heavy load

Maddie and Noah actually go to giggling so hard they kept dropping the bucket...it was pretty precious

The cows are happy to have a snack

I'm pretty sure this one is sticking its
tongue out at me...he doesn't need to worry, I don't want his food, really.

Grandpa is showing Ethan the cows. We are only minutes away from the Easter egg hunt

Grandpa helped Ethan find a few eggs and let he and Evie enjoy a few treats too.

My mom and sister Mandy

My brother Jeremy with Isaiah, his youngest of four. Maddie and Noah (feeding the corn) are also his.

The big kid area of the egg hunt. It's pretty hard to find the well hidden eggs in the equipment but the kids don't give up until every last egg is found. My aunts and uncles are so much fun. They walk around with pockets full of eggs and not-so-
discreetly toss one next to a kid and yell that they are missing one...it gets the kids super riled up and it keeps the energy fun.

Ethan is digging around for a treat. He handed me a piece of candy to open and actually started crying when I put it back in his bag...turns out he has a sweet tooth just like his mom and dad...

Enjoying the loot

The Smith family together for a photo...a rare occurance.

Isaiah picking up a few last eggs that we were tossing at him from Evie and Ethan's basket. We couldn't help it, it was just so cute watching him pick them up and proudly put them in his basket

Ethan (I should say we) totally scored...since we're the ones eating all his candy

As we were getting loaded up in the car Evie asked if she could look at the cows one last time. Here she is saying goodbye to the cows, chewing on hay
...another wonderful Easter.
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