We attended the Early Childhood Celebration today in the Agricultural Hall at the State Fair Grounds with my sister's Laurie and Mandy. There were over 30 booths with hands-on activities for children and stage performances throughout the day. The kids had a good time and since it was kid of rainy outside it was the perfect indoor thing to do. Gabriel and
Delphina enjoyed playing the violin.at the Northeast Family Center's booth. None of the kids wanted to hold the violin up to their chin - they all wanted to play it like this...
Delphina is getting Ethan set up with some
maracasEvie may seem really focused on strumming the guitar but that lasted only a few minutes

Ethan just backed himself up to this drum and took a seat. He enjoyed watching the kids make music.

The kids were able to create their own Button's to wear at the Respite Network's booth

Claudia is busy exploring at the Dimensions Early Education Center Booth.

I think this may have been Evie and Ethan's favorite booth. Ethan is busy
collecting bugs with his cousin Clare. Evie is busy collecting butterflies and organizing them in little families.

Evie turned herself into a beautiful princess. We didn't notice that it was the Planned Parenthood booth until we walked away. It seems a bit ironic to have Planned Parenthood sponsor a booth at a Childhood Celebration event, doesn't it.

Evie with her princess cousin
Delphina and Ethan enjoying a sing-along stage activity

Swing your partner round and round...

My Prince charming...

Ethan could have stayed at the
SCC Child development Center's booth all day. He had fun scooping beads and putting them in this little container that the gal in blue so nicely held. She put a cap on his container and taped it closed (to make a music shaker). He was still trying to put beads in it with the cap on. When I tried to take him away from the booth he was pretty bummed so the gal said to bring him back and they played with the beads for another 5 minutes. I think they both had a good time.

The kid are watching one of the stage performances. I wasn't so sure about it. I'm all for kids taking dance classes and look forward to Evie being in dance but these dance moves were a bit suspect for kids their age.

The kids enjoyed playing dress up at the 'what do I want to be?' booth sponsored by Loving Hearts CDC.

Dr. Claudia.

Giddy-up Cowboy. Ethan needs to keep that beer belly tucked inside his trousers...

It was bright outside so I got a lot of
squinty pictures of the kids on the
BN Mini Train. The train wasn't on a track and it drove through the parking lot. The engineer was older, maybe in his 70's and actually drove fast enough that we had to hold on when he was cornering. The kids had a great time. Here is Ethan, Clare and Evie
Delphina, Gabriel, Mandy and Claudia sat right behind us.

Laurie (holding Luis in the
Bjorn) and Anderson

Coming into the station at the Ag Hall building.
And to top off a fun afternoon we ate at
Burger King.
Looks fun!