We went to the beach Friday night for an evening school fundraiser with fireworks. This organization puts on this annual event for all the schools of SC to make money through raffle tickets and food, etc at the event. We just had dinner at the Good Shepherd school's booth and now we're on a mission for something sweet.

We stopped by home for a brief moment in-between art class and the event to grab warm clothes, etc and there was a care package at the door from my friend Amy. Among the other perfectly thoughtful goodies were these glow sticks which were perfect for the night. The kids had fun putting them together in the car on the way and by the time we got to the event it was dark. I don't think the gift could have been planned any better. Thanks Amy!!

It's getting late and Evie is getting really tired. She insists that she wants to say until 9:00 but she is fading. They are having fun with their glow sticks and eating sandy popcorn.

I'm not sure what the turnout number was but it seemed like there were a lot of people there. This is looking behind us, away from the water where the food venues are. We parked at the top of the big hill you see in the background. I am
sooo proud of Evie and Ethan. They were so tired at the end of the night and they both trucked up it with out a complaint. We actually wound up watching the fireworks from the top of the hill. Evie was nearly asleep on the blanket and the fireworks were running really behind schedule. We made it to the top of the hill just as the fireworks started. We watched about 10 minutes before the kids said they wanted to go home. They were too tired to watch anymore. Poor things.

Ethan had fun burying his glow sticks and then finding them again.

It was getting cold so the kids had fun snuggling up.

The kids were asleep immediately as we started our drive. When we got home I opened Ethan's door and thought it was cute that he was asleep with his glow stick. They really had so much fun with them. The kids were so asleep that I brought them in and changed them into their
jammies with out so much as a twitch. I was surprised with Evie. I had to take two layers off over her head and had to work to get her arms out of the sleeves and she never moved.
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