Ethan and I met his little friend Jaden from his preschool class at the pump track this morning along with her mom and brother. Jaden rides a run bike and is pretty daring. She turns three next week.

Ethan is still getting the hang of his big boy bike. He can barely stand over the bike but when he's riding he seems to have good control. He loved the track and riding the whoops.
Video: Ethan on the lower part of the pump track. He can barely stand over his bike so going up some of the hills are hard. It was cute to see his little tiptoes working over time.
Video: Ethan on the whoops at the pump track
Video: Ethan on the whoops at the pump track. Ethan told me to say Green (for go).
I love Evie's superwoman stance and Ethan's crazy man hair! Too cute!