Well, this is a long overdue post. We had a nice send off the day the kids and I left for CA. I was grateful for the help and the distraction at the airport so I didn't cry as we say goodbye.
The kids ran hot laps around the park outside the terminal. It was my sister Laurie's good idea for the kids to burn some energy before they got on the plane. It was fun to see the cousins running and playing.
Evie and Claudia
Louis, Ethan, Anderson, Evie and Claudia
Mandy and Laurie
The kids are excited about flying and did amazing for me. They also had lots of new fun toys and books to keep them busy.
We arrived in Denver and had plenty of time to stretch our legs and grab lunch before our next flight.
At lunch Ethan tried to show off his muscles by picking up the chairs. "mom look at me, I'm so strong"
Ethan is snoozing and Evie is being her sweet little self. Ethan is snuggled in the blankets grandma and grandpa potter made them to travel with.
And Finally, we get to see daddy. It feels like it has been longer than three weeks.
The kids were so excited to show daddy their new toys from their aunts. They parked it right where they gave him a hug and started pulling everything out like a picnic.
Joel was so sweet and had the kids new room all ready for them. This is the first time for them sharing a room but they are doing great. Some nights they chat for a bit and others they go to sleep right away.
After checking out Ethan's new room next on his list was to mow the yard. He got right on that.
Awesome! I love how in one picture, Ethan's being the strong man, picking up a chair with each arm and in the next picture, he's fast asleep with a paci in his mouth and cuddled up with his blankie. Kids are great!