We visited the Nature Center today at Pioneer's park. Surprisingly the park wasn't busy at all for a weekend.

My little birds built a nest and are busy keeping their eggs warm.

Ethan is saying 'night night'. He's probably right, it's just about his nap time.

We joined 'The great park Pursuit' today, a fun way to encourage families to explore Nebraska parks. Evie is doing our first pencil rubbing. The more parks we visit and the more pencil rubbings we submit the greater our chance is to win the
grand prize at the end of the summer.

Our little Evie is always stopping to smell the flowers

And we're off to see the reindeer.

Ethan was pretty curious about the animals. He is watching calmly at the moment but most of the time he was acting like one of them...

see what I mean...our little monkey is on the wrong side of the fence...

The kids enjoyed playing in the huge sandbox filled with lots and lots of fun sand toys.

pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake...
Say 'cheese'

Look ma, no hands.

so proud

Evie and Ethan are making a big pot of soup. Ethan is standing in our stove so he can be close enough to stir the soup. Evie is being a good big sister and kept yelling at him to get off the stove that he's going to burn himself. He would just give her the look of what are you yelling about and then continue mixing his bucket of sand.

Evie singing one of her favorite songs... The Happy Birthday song

Ethan blowing out his candles and hopefully making a wish. I think he's close enough looking at the sand on his chin...

Evie with her
bouquet of '
pickable' flowers.
Our neighbors Sarah and baby Grace joined us at the park but the mosquito's have also loved our wonderfully cool and rainy spring - they were feasting on us so we couldn't stay long.
VIDEO: Ethan chasing a toad
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