We stayed the night at a hotel near the airport. Hotels in the city are
soooo expensive on the weekends and the airport is actually close enough to drive back and forth is worth the savings. The kids had a blast playing in the pool. The last time we stayed here the pool was heated. Today it was much colder, although the kids didn't seem to notice.

Look at me mom...

We wanted to have breakfast at this place that was well reviewed but the line was so long. Guess the food was worth it. We tried another place a few blocks away.

As we were driving from breakfast to the wharf we happened upon a parade. Just as we crossed the street the parade started and they closed the street we were on. Talk about timing. There was a parking spot right at the corner so Joel stopped and we watched the parade which we found out was celebrating the Philippines. It was fun to see a float promoting
Boracay, the island we went to a few years ago when we were in Taiwan.

We had an hour before our boat departed so we checked out the farmer's market right at the wharf.

I am a huge tomato fan. I wanted to eat these like apples.

As we pulled into
Sausalito Evie was pointing out to Ethan everything she saw

We walked along the water's edge and visited little shops. This person was selling pictures of these rocks with the Bay Bridge behind them.

The kids are trying to catch crabs that were scurrying on the rocks. They didn't want to listen that they may get their fingers pinched poking them into a dark hole but luckily I didn't have to say "I told you so".

Yes, this guy is playing the guitar with his dog who happened to have sun glasses on. He was our entertainment while we waited to board the Ferry back to San Francisco.

The kids were entertained for sure. Evie even pulled the quarter out of her pocket that she found on the street and put it in his case.

All aboard...

Joel is doing happy feet for Ethan, rubbing his tired little feet. Also, hiding from the hot, afternoon sun.

We went by Alcatraz on our way to and from the port. It is a fascinating place.

Almost back to the port. The city is way more impressive than a picture can show.

On our way home we stopped at IKEA. The kids played in the kids area for about 45 minutes and Joel and I cruised around the store, kid free. It was fun. When we picked up the kids their was a clown doing tricks and face painting. The kids were sooooo excited to have their faces painted.

Buki showed Evie herself in the mirror and she was amazed. Evie was so happy.

Our beautiful Evie

Ethan wanted to be scary...

Ethan is scaring the people working at the play land.

I know Ethan's sweet little face is under there somewhere. Buki, the clown did a good job.

The kids and Buki the clown.