My mom heard about the train show at the Omaha
Qwest center this weekend and with Joel in AZ still, it was a good
outing for the kids and I. My mom and dad joined us with Morgan, Maddie and Noah - my brother's three oldest kids. It was a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed the time with their cousins and grandma and grandpa. Grandma packed bags of
trail mix for the kids. Ethan of course picked out all of his m&
m's out immediately. She always thinks of something for the kids. (When we get together on Sunday nights at their house the kids look forward to grandma giving them an apple for the drive home)

I didn't know what to expect with the train show but it was pretty cool. Actually a lot of built up trains for the kids to look at. They had a Thomas train going with free rides for the kids and the line was over an hour long. I agreed with my dad that it would be better if he just built a track in their back yard. We didn't need to ride the train that bad.

Snack break...The concession line was not long - actually only 4 people in front of me but it took ridiculously long. I felt like I was in line at
WalMart. We got up to the counter and they were out of
hotdogs but as you can see, the kids are just as happy with a
corndog. Just as we finished grandma and grandpa arrived with their cousins and it was off to see more of the show.

Mom, Evie, Noah, Maddie, Morgan and Ethan and I

Grandma and Ethan. Thanks to grandma Ethan gets a better look.

Some of the train scenery seemed so realistic.

And a late lunch at
McDonalds on our way home.
Awww, look at that sweet couple.